The more radical the change that is introduced in a system, the greater will be the resistance from the current configuration of each force of organisation and the greater will be the turbulence.
The turbulence is aggravated if the introduced change is not coherently designed (i.e. is not a clockwise design involving all seven forces of system organisation). For example, by changing an organisational structure without changing the organisational culture (i.e. ethos) accordingly, the system will become destabilised. The old order is disturbed but the change is insufficient to allow the system to settle into a new order.
The transformation of a system is complete when the counterclockwise force of change reinforces the clockwise one. To learn more click here to watch the video on clockwise and counterclockwise change.
There is no transformation without turbulence.
relevance for the change manager
Turbulence can be minimized through managing both types of change.
what is the relevance of this concept for you?