As the environment changes, the current order of organisation within the system is challenged and the clockwise and counterclockwise forces of change are aroused. (Dis)order can result from the (in)coherence within a force and between forces of organisation at one level and across levels of the system hierarchy.
Examples of incoherence within a force are: lived ethos differs from professed ethos, aims are conflicting, there is structural conflict, governance is based on the wrong type of regulation or mei is unsuitable.
Examples of incoherence between the forces are: aims and ethos are incoherent, structure does not serve the aims of the system, governance is not aligned with structure or substance is insufficient to meet aims.
Examples of incoherence within and between forces across levels are: ethos and aims are out of harmony with the environment, ethos is incoherent or aims are not aligned across levels, structures are discontinuous across levels, different rules of governance apply at different levels or mei is distributed inappropriately between different levels.
Through the clockwise and counterclockwise interaction of the seven forces along and across levels, a system is constantly changing. It keeps adjusting its inner functioning and adaptation to its environment.
Even if there is a momentary alignment of the clockwise and counterclockwise forces and alignment between the seven forces within and across levels, this is not permanent. As the environment keeps changing, incoherence is created again and the system changes.
The biomatrix is in constant motion, continuously balancing between order and disorder.
relevance for the change manager
A learning organization is one that changes consciously in interaction with its environment because it is wired for ongoing change.
The e-learning and self-managed consulting programmes of BiomatrixWeb apply Biomatrix theory to enable an organisation to transform itself into a learning organisation wired for ongoing change.
what is the relevance of this concept for you?