key concepts of systems theory
biomatrix theory
The following is the list of key concepts of biomatrix theory.
It follows our proposed sequence for learning the concepts of biomatrix theory which was also published as a book, Biomatrix: A Systems Theory in Graphics. Visit our books page if you would like to study the presentation offline.
graphic alphabet of biomatrix theory
graphic alphabet (activity system arrow, governance arrow, impact arrow, time-space arrow, boundary line, tapping bar, process, structure, aim, ethos, mei, issue, web of activity and entity systems)
two types of systems within the biomatrix
web versus field perspective of the biomatrix
organisation of the biomatrix in space
spatial organisation of activity systems
activity systems form supply chains
chains of sub-activity systems
parallel and sequential (sub)activity systems
spatial organisation of entity systems
three-fold organisation of entity systems
the entity system as centre of the biomatrix
containing hierarchy of entity systems
containing hierarchy of parts of an entity system
the entity system as “emerging middle”
boundaries between entity systems: web perspective
boundaries between entity systems: field perspective
organisation of the biomatrix in time
current versus ideal future of systems
seven forces of system organisation
mei (matter, energy, information)
outer versus inner environment
transactional versus contextual environment
ethos field of an entity system
ethos field of an activity system
structure of an activity and entity system
governance of activity and entity systems
design emphasis in activity and entity systems
dynamics of change within the biomatrix
clockwise versus counterclockwise change
(im)balance within an entity system
(im)balance between entity systems
recursive / fractal / holographic nature of systems
dual perspectives within biomatrix theory
activity versus entity system perspective
process versus structure perspective
physical versus conceptual reality of a system
interaction between physical and conceptual reality
biomatrix methodology
principles of systemic development
principles of systemic interventions
methods of systemic interventions
generic system dynamics of the biomatrix
systemic change management
backcasting from the desired ideal future